Changed mind= changed life 

God-morning! God is so amazing. The verse of the day today is one we are very familiar with, Romans 12:2. We can recite some form of it while going through a trial, but for me it took root yesterday while conquering my fears and claiming my promises. Since coming back I have been real about my fears and intentional about giving them to God. 

Yesterday, I filled up my tank, packed my oil ,and picked up my sister friend/ prayer partner/ ride or die and seat out to claim my vision. I just started listening to Bishop TD Jakes “Destiny” on audio and I was ready to conquer the day. My sister wasn’t in the best mood ( lady time issues) but I was prayed up and ready to conquer these fears. My mind was made up. As she entered my car, I programmed every stop in the gps and we were on our way.

The first stop was the place of employment. Recently, God has been bringing me into focus on his vocational purpose for my life. Last year, I was so burnt out on my job. I always seemed to be working. I thought it was my field and so I left. Well new field, same problem a year later. That’s when I had to get back to the basics. Get back to what was my purpose for anything. I had to do as instructed in Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the kingdom of God”. 

Kingdom work is fulfilling, flesh work is frustrating. In my time with God I realized I was fulfilled in kingdom work and there was always a why. When I left kingdom and went into flesh I stayed consistently frustrated. In kingdom there was order. In flesh there was constant disorder. So last month I had a Bartimaeus moment and died to my flesh and chose to pursue God’s will and the purpose he’s planted inside of me (Mark 10:50)

So praying at the place of purpose brought peace. I felt the spirt of the Lord. I was confident in claiming it. I knew it was mine! We hopped in the car and began to drive to the next stop, the jewelry store. Yesterday, I told you about last week and How my friend was so confident about claiming her future ring. Well, I was headed to the next store and she said “ummm if you are claiming your covenant symbols you need to go big.” That’s where mind renewing came into play. Instead of settling for a mediocre ring in the mall, I went to the largest engagement ring store in the city. I walked in nervous. Here I am a single woman with no reason to be in here and I’m walking into claim something I desire. Talk about faith. There was nothing in my life at that particular moment that said I should be in that store but my faith said acknowledge your purpose and prepare for God’s will on your life! We checked in ( cause that’s what you do in fancy stores) and the sales person they gave us was a man of faith. He asked what I liked and I told him. He showed me a set that was nice but it wasn’t me. It would be something I settled for. Then he brought me to what I truly desired. The ring he took out of the case was gorgeous and it was me! I prayed over that ring not coveting the thing but covering the covenant that it represents. I then asked to look at matching bands for my future husband. I found one that matched mine and I would be honored to present to him on our wedding day. Then came time to be bold. 

We stepped into the jewelers office to have him write it up. It was one thing to pray over it, it was another thing to speak it out loud. I became embarrassed but this man being a man of faith said, ” this is normal, women who do this usually have a man who just wants to know what to go get and they make it easier for him.” I breathed a sigh of relief. He sized me and wrote it up gave me his card and we were on our way to the next destination. 

 The next stop was the bridal shop. This is where there’s a plot twist. See the Bible tells us in Proverbs 19:21 we can plan and plan but the Lord’s plan will always come forth (loosely translated but you get it).

Crazily enough it was the shop I went to to purchase the dress I ended up selling on eBay after my breakup a year prior. I started feeling nauseous driving up to it because I really had to conquer this fear. This place was traumatic for me. This place represented a failure to me. It was a place where a hurtful memory took place. We entered the shop and I tried to put on my best face. I said, “I’d like to try on a wedding gown” the receptionist looked at me with an attitude of disgust and told me it would not be possible until 5pm. I was so disappointed and felt completely defeated. We left the store and I tried to continue in my task with a good attitude but that one stop got me. I tried to make an appointment at another shop but no one had one open that day. 

I recited 1 Peter 5:7 in my head and then headed to my future venue. I wasn’t as excited but I knew I had to press on.  My fear has been paralyzing in the past. If something was off then it was just off. I told my sister-friend, “oh well I will just make an appointment another day”. I got to the venue and there was so much activity around I couldn’t even get out to touch and claim it. I just drove past it and said a silent prayer and went on to the next stop. The luxury vehicle. We got to a dealership and we’re immediately discriminated against. We left disgusted. I wanted to claim this but there was so much trying to keep me in fear. I didn’t know why this would be in spirit but then I wasn’t able to go after it. Then I remembered, the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He wanted to steal my promise. But Pslams 46:10 reminds me to be still and know that he is God.

God was giving me the strength to conquer my fears and claim the promises on my life but HE also wanted me to listen to HIM. We drove across the street and the difference was noticeable. Our salesman was a young man of faith who was so kind. He educated me on the differences between vehicles and on the brand to which I was foreign. He allowed me to test drive the car and told me if it sold he would gladly help me find another one. I felt better after the dress and venue debacle. But this was God saying, “I gave you the vision but I will bring it to pass in my way and in my time). The final destination on the claiming tour was a new home. My sister-friend and I planned on moving in together as roommates to save money. We had been looking for a while but couldn’t find something that worked for us. I placed the coordinates in the GPS and we drove. When we got to the address the house wasn’t there. We hadn’t eaten and we just stopped for lunch. Then I broke. Anxiety and doubt started creeping into my mind. Did I hear God correctly? Was I supposed to do this today? My sister-friend saw my face and said ” Just let it happen ” I tried to awfulize about the things that weren’t happening, but then there was God working through my sister-friend. Without a word she got on the phone and began calling bridal shops in the area. She found one who had an appointment and would allow me to have my “claim it” moment. 

When we walked into the shop I realized I was limiting myself. My plans all day we’re limiting except for the career. My sister-friend encouraged me in my God given worth. Now we were in the shop and I was facing my fears of bridal gown shopping. I picked out a bunch of dresses that I thought would be beautiful and let my sister-friend pick out one to surprise me with. I tried on all the ones I thought I’d like, and I hated them. They weren’t me. They were what I thought I should wear. Then the gown she picks out I put on and then I love it! It was me, sparkles and class. I let go of the control and let her pick out the next round. Then we found it! The dress! I’m not engaged. I’m not in a relationship. But if he dropped from the sky tomorrow that would be it! It’s nothing like I imagined but everything I needed. That’s how God works. Psalms 46:1 says he’s our present help in the time of trouble. He sent my sister-friend to be my present help. To speak life. To show me how to trust a plan that’s greater. We had enough time to shop for bridesmaids dresses and take pictures before the appointment was over. I needed that experience because it gave me my confidence back. I remembered my focus and we said we’d make one more attempt to find a home. 

The home we chose to visit was 10 minutes away from the bridal shop. We got to the door, walked in and loved it. It was just enough space without being too much. It was separate enough to accommodate us but together enough to keep our bond. God knew what he spoke into me. He knew what needed to happen yesterday. Isaiah 55:11 says God’s word will not return to him void. That means what God says will happen. It is my faith that needed checking. Once we agreed that that place was it for us, we got the oil. We walked that entire house claiming it for us to build the kingdom of God. I went into the room that would be mine and claimed everything that day that I claimed for the same purpose. 

The claiming tour wasn’t about my fleshly desires. It was about the vision for purpose God placed in me and actively seeking to walk in it. James 3:16 says selfish ambition brings evil, strife, and disorder (loosely translated). Nothing was about me yesterday and it was all about HIM.

For years I discounted myself and settled for less than I was worth. Everything I claimed yesterday was greater than I originally thought I was going to. God has greater planned for my life and if I just let go and let Him do his thing he will blow my mind. What a way to have a revelation. The peace I experienced following the claiming tour is unlike anything else. I know I’m seeing purpose. I know I am in the will of a God. I am safe and I feel protected against anything the enemy may try to throw at me. God is great and the curses are broken off of my life. What are you doing about your purpose?

Stay positive. Send love. Be blessed. 

Published by

Proverbs 30.99

Documenting the journey of the single wife life. Check me out on periscope @lady30point99

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